Business Ideas that Will Be BIG in 2022
OK Friends
i know you want to make money online. so today in this article i will tell you how to make a real money online. so don't west the time and concentrate the article because this article guide you how to make money online.
okay so let's do this the first business idea on my list is
flipping items
now here i'm not at all talking about just selling stuff you already own and i also want you to know there are so many options with this essentially what you're doing is reselling items so that's what Walmart at target do to make money too right they buy items from wholesalers they buy items from manufacturers and they sell them in their store for a profit and that's how a lot of businesses are run well the easiest way to get started with this type of reselling business model is simply by buying items that are at a discount or that people don't really want the people just want to get rid of buying them for cheap and then selling them for higher prices it's simple math it's an age-old business strategy and it works now of course you could do this in a lot of different ways you could be flipping houses or flipping cars and it is true that when you buy and sell things that are more expensive your profits tend to be larger because even if the profit margin itself is small for example if you bought a house for two hundred thousand dollars and then you sold it for two hundred and ten thousand dollars that would only be essentially and this is simplifying things but essentially like a five percent profit margin but you're earning ten thousand dollars now yes there'd be fees and all that i'm just keeping it simple for the moment here so in contrast just imagine that you were buying and selling something that only cost a few dollars and you had that same five percent profit margin so for example maybe you bought something for ten dollars and then you sold it for ten dollars and fifty cents same five percent profit margin but now you are only making fifty cents instead of ten thousand dollars so that's why it is good to buy and sell kind of the most expensive things you can afford but of course when you're starting out you can start smaller and then you can reinvest your profits to be able to invest into bigger and bigger more and more expensive items to resell now i have to tell you and i don't want to go on about this idea for too long because there's some other great ones but my favorite way to do this is to take advantage of kind of the different market dynamics that are happening on different platforms so for example you may have noticed that stuff tends to go for a lot cheaper on craigslist than it goes for an eBay now this is just simple supply and demand basically there is way less demand for an item if you sell it locally so when you're selling it on craigslist there might only be a few people who want it and so you cannot charge very much for it however if you put it online and now you're selling it to an international audience that means there are way more people interested higher demand means you can ask a higher price so you can find cheap stuff sometimes even free stuff on craigslist or Facebook marketplace those sort of local groups and then you can sell it in the international market by listing it on eBay or somewhere like that okay i'm gonna need to speed this up if i don't want this video to be an hour long .